dev-zuo 技术日常

TypeScript error in 'AntdModal' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here.

这篇文章发布于 2021/04/03,归类于
TypeScript error in 'AntModal'refers to a value but is being used as a type here

在 ts + react + ant-design 的项目中,git clone 项目后,npm install 了,但 npm run serve 时一直提示 TypeScript error in 'AntdModal' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. 在这个项目的场景下,npm install 安装的包是不全的

需要使用 yarn 来安装,具体命令如下

# 全局安装 yarn
sudo npm install yarn -g
# 在项目下安装所有模块 
yarn add # 相当于 npm install 

这样安装后,就不会报错了,比较奇怪的一个问题。更多 Yarn 命令用法参考: Yarn CLI 简介